Santo Domingo Airport

The Santo Domingo airport is Las Américas International Airport. When you arrive at the airport, you must purchase a tourist card for US$10. Make sure that you purchase this card before waiting in line to have your passport stamped.

The airport is located to the east of the city. It takes about 20-30 minutes to reach the Colonial Zone by taxi. You can expect to pay about $45 for taxi service to downtown Santo Domingo. Be sure to ask for the price before getting into the cab.

When departing, make sure you arrive at least two hours before your scheduled flight time.

Las Américas International Airport (SDQ) 809-412-5888.

Santo Domingo Cruise Ship Terminal

There are several international cruise lines that include Santo Domingo as a destination in their Caribbean cruises. The company offering the most cruises to Santo Domingo is MSC Cruises (Italian). Other companies include AIDA (German) and Fred Olsen Cruise Lines (UK).

Cruises dock at Sansouci terminal, located just to the east of the city.
Avenida España
Santo Domingo Este 11603

Santo Domingo Ferry Service

America Cruise Ferries offers regular ferry service between Santo Domingo and Puerto Rico (San Juan and Mayagüez). The ferry sets sail in the evening and arrives the following morning.

America Cruise Ferries
Terminal Don Diego AVE. Francisco A. Caamaño (Del Puerto), Santo Domingo

Santo Domingo Buses

Inter-city Buses

Bus travel between cities on the island is surprisingly efficient and inexpensive. For example, a one-way ticket from Santo Domingo to Puerto Plata (north coast) takes about 3.5 hours and costs less than US$10.

Be sure to make a reservation as the buses are often full. Also, bring a long sleeve shirt or light jacket as the air conditioning is always too cold.

The major operators are:

Caribe Tours 809-221-4422

Espreso Bávaro 809-682-9670

Metro Buses 809-227-0101

City Buses

City buses are notoriously difficult for tourists to use since the schedules are erratic and routes are not posted.

Another equally confusing option is the informal bus system of “guaguas”. These privately operated “buses”, which are often passenger vans that have seen better days, drive along major routes. Only try this if your Spanish is good. Ask the driver or assistant if they are headed in the direction you need to go and also ask to be told when to get out. You must often change guaguas one or more times to reach your destination.

Santo Domingo Taxis

Taxis are the best Santo Domingo transportation option for visitors who do not know the city well. Average fares range from about 150 to 400 pesos (US$4 to 10) depending on how far you are going. Santo Domingo Taxis do not have meters, so make sure that you agree to a price before getting into the cab. Also remember to bring small bills as drivers often don’t have change.

If you hail a taxi on the street, don’t be surprised if the car is in poor condition. The two main taxi companies have higher standards, so it is better to call for a cab if you are going any distance. Taxis usually arrive about 5 minutes after calling.

Tips are not expected but are appreciated.

Apolo Taxi: 809-537-0000
Lino Taxi: 809-687-3333

Santo Domingo Metro

Santo Domingo is currently building a subway system. As of 2014, two lines are fully operational. Although the metro is well-maintained and efficient, it is of limited use to tourists at this time.